Our professional courses are designed to train and assist hairdressers in their business growth, helping them to meet the specific needs of their customers.
Also in March, Elodie Italia has a great goal: to enhance and expand the offer of exclusive training services for hairstylists. We want to make them the main and unique characters of their business, with passion and professional skills. Our ambition is not just to take care of our customers, we want to enter the world of hairstylist with measurable results inspiring emotions. The products of Elodie Italia are high profile, studied in every detail, certified, strictly Made in Italy.
We have received so many requests of contact about our programs.
Then, taking into account the needs of all customers, we studied “tailor-made” professional courses for hairdressers with our team of trainers.
In February we proposed our class of blow and dry hair with an in-depth look at the use of curling iron and hair straighteners, by performing practical demonstrations. Last 11 March we introduced the window dressing course aimed at identifying the best levers to promote the shop and sale the products dedicated to hairstylist and to the well-being of the hair.
We will continue with two fashion days course, on Sunday 24 and Monday 25 March. It is about “Passion fruit“, spring – summer 2019, in collaboration with the Threedom Group our partner for over a year. We will show the stylistic trends fashion cuts and the most avant-garde colors of the moment. In the next spring-summer the colors will be inspired by fruit with moods of great impact, not only in clothes but also in hair.
There will be no lack of proposals aimed at male customers, or basic issues to deepen the implementation of non-technical jobs for young hairdressers. Hence the idea of one-to-one courses that we will continue in the coming months, constantly seeking concrete and “tailored” solutions to the needs of Elodie Italia customers.
All courses can be purchased individually or together with other lessons, at a discounted price. And always to ensure quality and professionalism, at the end of our course of study we issue a certificate of attendance that can also be considered for the evaluation of the participating students.
Are we ready and you? For more information on the courses: info@elodieitalia.it